🕣 Coming soon…
Personal financing
Learn the essentials of personal finance management (budgeting, investing, loans) with our faith-based curriculum
Gain the knowledge and confidence to start investing in a way that honors God
Family budgeting
Get the best practices of family budgeting with real Christian families cases
Master your own family budgeting plan that will work towards your set goals
Gain the confidence to start investing in alignment with Christian values
Screen your investments to be in accordance with Christian principles
Сhristian financial community
Become a part of first of its kind Christian community that shares knowledge and experience in financial literacy
Financial courses
Get access to courses, articles and videos from top Christian financial management experts
Exclusive webinars
Become a part of our weekly webinars covering topics from family budgeting to investment trends
Weekly newsletter
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Kingdom-minded community
Become a part of a growing international Christian community
Learn the essentials of personal finance management (budgeting, investing, loans) with our faith-based curriculum
Screen your investments to be in accordance with Christian principles
Become a part of first of its kind Christian community that shares knowledge and experience in financial literacy
🕣 Coming soon…