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Put your money where your heart is
Invest in what matters to you with expert-curated stock collections. Browse a catalog of 80 collections and over 400 companies.
Put your money where your heart is
Invest in what matters to you with expert-curated stock collections. Browse a catalog of 80 collections and over 400 companies.
Put your money where your heart is
Invest in what matters to you with expert-curated stock collections. Browse a catalog of 80 collections and over 400 companies.
Choose the things you love

A collection for every value, passion, or hobby
Invest with purpose and make a positive impact on the world. Get your money to work on the future you believe in.
Curated by experts
Stargaze experts handpick well-performing companies that align with each collection’s purpose. We regularly update each collection to make sure it resonates with its theme and market trends.
Stargaze takes care of the rest
Choose the things you love
Choose the things you love

Whatever your values and passions, you get
a balanced portfolio
We’ll analyze your goals and add important securities to your mix.
A collection for every value, passion, or hobby
Invest with purpose and make a positive impact on the world. Get your money to work on the future you believe in
A collection for every value, passion, or hobby
Invest with purpose and make a positive impact on the world. Get your money to work on the future you believe in.
We manage
your money for you
We’ll keep your portfolio updated as the
market changes.
Curated by experts
Investment experts hand-pick well-performing companies that align with collection’s purpose. We regularly update each collection to keep
Curated by experts
Investment experts hand-pick well-performing companies that align with collection’s purpose. We regularly update each collection to keep
Stargaze takes care
of the rest
Stargaze takes care of the rest

Whatever your values and passions, you get a balanced portfolio. We’ll analyze your goals and add important securities to your mix.
Whatever your values
and passions, you get a balanced portfolio
We’ll analyze your goals and add important securities to your mix
Whatever your values
and passions, you get a balanced portfolio
We’ll analyze your goals and add important securities to your mix
We manage your money for you. We’ll keep your portfolio updated as the market changes.
We manage
your money for you
We’ll keep your portfolio updated as the market changes.
We manage
your money for you
We’ll keep your portfolio
updated as the market changes.

Become an investor today
Become an
investor today
Become an
investor today
Invest with as little as $50. Stargaze helps you make investing a habit

Start small
to grow big
Start small
to grow big
Start small
to grow big
Coming soon
Invest spare change.
Save up your money with every purchase you make.
Coming soon
Set up regular contributions.
Automatically fund you investing account every week or month.
Set up
regular contributions
and automatically fund you investing account every week or month

Be the most interesting person in the room
Be the most interesting person in the room
Be the most interesting person
in the room
Stargaze curates daily stories to keep you updated on your collections and important market news. Now, you’ll know all of the ins and the outs of investing.

Secure & Licensed
Secure & Licensed

FDIC & SIPC insured
Our brokerage partner, Alpaca Securities, is a member of FINRA & SIPC. Your account is protected for up to $500,000 (including FDIC insurance for up to $250,000 on claims for cash).

SEC registered
As a registered investment advisor with the SEC, we are required to keep your best interests in mind when providing investment advice.
Collect. Change the world.
Build wealth.

Pick stocks collections that you love
Explore choices from 80+ stock collections and create your own unique portfolio.
Pick stocks collections
that you love
Explore your own sets of more than 80+ stock collections and create your own unique portfolio
Invest in the world you want to see
With our value-based stock collections you can make a real impact around the globe.
Invest in the world
you want to see
With our value based stock collections you can make a real impact around the globe
We manage your portfolio for you
Our team constantly updates stock collections and portfolio structures for the best outcomes.
We manage
your portfolio for you
Our team constantly updates a stock collections and portfolio structures for the best outcomes
Frequently asked questions
Can I buy a stock using Stargaze?
With Stargaze you invest into US-traded stocks, but you don’t just pick individual companies. Instead, you choose from a catalog of experts-curated collections of stocks. Then Stargaze balances your portfolio to keep it aligned with your investment goals. This approach allows to invest with a meaning, and helps to form a diversified portfolio.
How much do I need to start investing?
Are the shares held in my name?
How much does Stargaze cost?
Can I buy a stock using Stargaze?
With Stargaze you invest into US-traded stocks, but you don’t just pick individual companies. Instead, you choose from a catalog of experts-curated collections of stocks. Then Stargaze balances your portfolio to keep it aligned with your investment goals. This approach allows to invest with a meaning, and helps to form a diversified portfolio.
How much do I need to start investing?
Are the shares held in my name?
How much does Stargaze cost?
Can I buy a stock using Stargaze?
With Stargaze you invest into US-traded stocks, but you don’t just pick individual companies. Instead, you choose from a catalog of experts-curated collections of stocks. Then Stargaze balances your portfolio to keep it aligned with your investment goals. This approach allows to invest with a meaning, and helps to form a diversified portfolio.